Is Cloud Hosting Suited for News Websites?

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News websites probably rank in the top 5 types of websites that receive the highest number of visitors. Also, if there is a breaking news incident or crisis, the number can grow exponentially overnight. These websites have hosting requirements that are very specific in nature. If you are running a news website, then we understand the amount of responsibility you are shouldering at every moment. You need to source the latest news while keeping the popularity of your platform growing. The last thing you need is to worry about the technical aspects of hosting your website. Today, we are going to introduce you to the benefits that Cloud Hosting can offer news websites. 

Hosting needs of Online News Platforms

The way we understand it, a news website has the following hosting requirements:

  • Ability to update regularly
  • Maximum uptime (available 24x7x365)
  • Efficient management of traffic spikes
  • Blazing-fast loading speeds
  • Around the clock technical support

What is Cloud Hosting?

In Cloud Hosting, multiple websites are hosted together, and your website data is hosted across multiple servers, powered by a secure cloud storage system.

Here is why Cloud Hosting is good for a news website:

  1. Efficient management of traffic spikes

As a news website, one of the biggest challenges faced by you is the sudden spike in site traffic due to news reports on a crisis or an incident. While you want the maximum number of people to read the report on your site, you are also aware that if the site’s performance falls, then you can lose the visitor to another news site. Therefore, you need a hosting plan that manages such traffic spikes efficiently.

One of the most famous features of Cloud Hosting is the instant scalability of resources that allows it to manage any traffic spikes with ease.

  1. Maximum Uptime of the website

We also understand that news can break out at any time of the day or night. Therefore, you cannot have a hosting plan that does not offer maximum uptimes. There is nothing that an online user dislikes more than a site that is down. It can impact your brand image as well as lead to the loss of a user. Most Cloud Hosting plans offer a 99.99% uptime assurance so that your site remains available 24×7 and does not suffer from frequent downtimes.

  1. Fast-loading website

There is no excuse for a slow site in today’s times. With virtualization and cloud technologies, users don’t want to wait for a site to load. In fact, they expect every website (regardless of its content) to load within two seconds and abandon it if it takes more than three seconds to load. Google also considers the site speed as a parameter while determining the page rank of the site. Also, with a news website since high traffic volumes are a given, a fast-loading site implies faster processing of requests. This eventually means that your site can serve more users within the same time-frame.

Cloud Hosting services are designed for speed. Also, most providers leverage caching solutions like Varnish Cache and a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to boost the speed of a site by up to 1000x!

Summing Up

Hence, as you can see, Cloud Hosting is well-suited to news websites. Having said that, every news site is different and has specific hosting requirements. Therefore, we recommend that you assess the hosting needs of your site, compare hosting plans, and buy the one that is best suited to it. Good Luck!